Why It’s Vital To Keep Active In the Fall & Winter, And Tips To Make It Easier

Why It’s Vital To Keep Active In the Fall & Winter, And Tips To Make It Easier - Fotolia 66129153 Subscription Monthly M

Dark mornings? Check. Needing to wrap up in more layers when leaving the house? Check. I think it’s safe to say that the fall and winter season has officially arrived. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy this time of year… But what I don’t enjoy is that the cold weather makes working out seem…

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Suffering With Back Pain? It Could Be Your Thighs…

Suffering With Back Pain? It Could Be Your Thighs... - Low Back Pain Sitting

Are you suffering with back pain?  If so, you are among the majority. That’s right, around 80% of the population deals with back pain at some point in their life.  If you fall into this category, you know the annoyance that is caused by frequent back pain. As you know, back pain can interfere with…

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Tips For Managing Low Back Arthritis

Tips For Managing Low Back Arthritis - Low Back Pain

Is lower back arthritis getting you down? Do you feel like you’re not doing everything you can to manage the pain? Lower back arthritis can make some days more difficult than others, and taking more medication isn’t always an option.  If you’re an active these days can really take a toll on your livelihood, and you need…

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Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Season!

Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Season! - GroupFun Fotolia 113875100

With summer here, we venture outdoors to cool off in the pool or beach.  We dust off the bar-b-que, and we spend more time soaking in the vitamin D.  Here are three tips to help enjoy the sunshine and family fun safely! The middle of the day (10 am to 4pm) is when the sun…

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The Problems With Low Back Pain and Opioids

The Problems With Low Back Pain and Opioids - Michele K

Recently, physicians across the United States received a letter from the Surgeon General of the United States urging them to assist with the battle of curbing opioid use and abuse.  The letter was accompanied by useful information that presented physical therapy as a preferred first-line approach for low back pain.  In the past few years…

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The Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Thanksgiving (AND have your body Thank You for it..)

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and everyone’s looking forward to getting together with family and indulging (why not?). Fortunately, I have put together 10 ways for you to ‘have your turkey and eat it too.’ Here they are: 1. Drink plenty of water throughout the week – especially before heavy meals. 2. Walk off that…

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Big Insurance wants to FULLY dictate your Care!

A few months back I told you about Anthem/Blue Cross and their desire to bring in a third party (OrthoNet) to determine your physical therapy care. This third party would approve, or deny, your care regardless of what your physician, or physical therapist, felt was necessary. Anthem/Blue Cross did not communicate this to the state…

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Anthem Reveals OrthoNet Plan to Patients: Let’s Read Between the Lines?

Here is what Anthem said and did not say in their recent letter to patients, dated September 1, 2015, regarding OrthoNet: Dear Member: “Lots of us need physical therapy and occupational therapy at some point.” And it’s gotten really expensive for Anthem– about 1-2% of total medical costs. “And it can be a confusing part…

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What is Labor Day?

Labor Day is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. The day is designed to honor the labor movement of the United States and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Did you know, Canada also celebrates Labor Day the first Monday in September?…

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Are You a Frustrated Golfer?

I want to give you some tips that will help to lower your golf score immediately. All golfers want lower scores but first, let me tell you a story. Recently I was able to enjoy a round of golf with my father and I asked him every question I could think of regarding his golfing…

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