I want to give you some tips that will help to lower your golf score immediately. All golfers want lower scores but first, let me tell you a story. Recently I was able to enjoy a round of golf with my father and I asked him every question I could think of regarding his golfing experience. I even asked him about the #1 thing all golfers want: Lower Scores! While on the “15th”, standing at the side, waiting our turn and watching a “4 ball” of 70 year old’s ahead of us… I asked my Father what the number one mistake he saw over the years while watching his golf buddies play. He told me this: “some golfers don’t even watch their own ball”! That many golfers are so busy keeping their heads down, that when they swing at the ball, they never watch where the ball goes. And over time, that’s a problem for many of them as hitting the ball like this is a lot like giving yourself something that I call “golfers whiplash” … and if you’re doing it day after day, week after week, year after year – it’s got to take its toll on your body… and continuing to do so will mean upper and lower back pain is much more likely to affect your ability to swing (and your scores) – especially if you’re aged 45 or over. Now one of the biggest surprises I learned from my father is just how many of his golfing buddies are suffering with low back pain when they play – and how important he thought flexibility was in keeping your golf scores down. You see, if you’re in pain, and you have reduced flexibility, your golf scores will go UP! And what I also know is that many of today’s top golfers are getting the edge by doing a very simple (and easy for anyone to do) exercise that makes their body stronger meaning they’re able to hit the ball much further, with less stress on their lower back… and I want YOU to know about it so you can use this to lower YOUR own scores AND enjoy playing again with much more energy.
Before I tell you more about it, first let me ask you a question: Is Your Game of Golf Suffering Right Now Because Of Low Back Pain?
What I want you to have is a special information kit which is perfect for golfers who want to get their swing back, hit the ball further and straighter… and actually get in a round 18 holes of golf with considerably LESS back pain than they are right now. If you (or someone at your club with low back pain) calls today, I’m able to offer you this new, privately published report (value $27) for FREE. Here is Just Some of What the Report Reveals: The 7 urgent coping strategies every golfer with chronic back pain must never forget when pain strikes, out on the course!! Why 50-53% of golfers make their own back pain WORSE by doing just this one thing wrong! The most successful treatment for golfers low back pain that doesn’t involve any drugs, chiropractic or talking to a doctor. The 100 year old secret exercise routine now being used by Pro golfers that they don’t want any amateurs to know about! How you can find out what’s REALLY causing your back pain and lowering your golf score… taking less time than a single golf lesson, this really is something you MUST know about. And, even what to do right now… if you suffer from chronic back pain aggravated by golf. And of course, I’ll even reveal the number 1 “short cut” to playing golf with less back pain that many of the pro-golfers are now currently using. I want you to have it so you can ETHICALLY steal an advantage over every-one else at your club! And when you know about “this”, your flexibility is going UP…. and your handicap is going DOWN! … So, go ahead… request your 100% Free copy to be sent to you BEFORE you play your next round of golf…right now, please call (866) 315-7535 or by visiting: intecorept.com/back-pain and you can download it instantly.
P.S Here’s those two free golf “tips” from my father: Don’t keep your left arm stiff… and, don’t keep your head down while you swing – watch the ball!
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