3 Things That Aggravate Knee Pain After Biking and How to Ease It

knee pain after biking

Knee pain after biking. If you’re a cyclist, those words might stir up a familiar ache, a twinge that signals the end of an exhilarating ride. You’re not alone in this struggle. Picture this: you’ve just completed a scenic trail, the wind rushing past, the sun on your skin. But as you dismount your bike,…

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Runners Knee Stretches: Top 5 Stretches Every Runner Needs to Know

runners knee stretches blog cover

Runners knee stretches are more than just exercises; they’re a runner’s companion on the path to pain-free running. Imagine the exhilarating feeling of the wind against your face, your feet rhythmically hitting the ground, and that sense of freedom that comes with a good run. Now, imagine being held back by the sharp, nagging discomfort…

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5 Ways to Relieve Knee Pain After Pregnancy

woman with knee pain after pregnancy

Knee pain after pregnancy – are you experiencing this common yet often overlooked issue? Many new mothers find themselves navigating not just the challenges of caring for a newborn but also dealing with various physical discomforts that accompany the postpartum period. Among these, knee pain stands out as particularly troublesome, affecting your ability to move…

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How Long Does a Meniscus Tear Take to Heal?

How Long Does a Meniscus Tear Take to Heal?

Have you ever twisted your knee during a game or a run and felt that unmistakable pain signaling something wasn’t right? If that led to a diagnosis of a meniscus tear or strain, you’re likely wondering just how long it’s going to sideline you from the activities you love and how long does it take…

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Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Reconstruction: How To Recover

knee pain caused by pcl surgery

Are you booked in for posterior cruciate ligament surgery? You’ve come to the right place. We specialize in PCL surgery rehab. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is a ligament that links the lower and the upper leg. Compared to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is larger and stronger. Despite this,…

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What Is Knee Kinesiology, And How Can It Help?

Physical therapist applying knee kinesiology

Have you got knee pain and want to know whether kinesiology tape might help? The study of the science of movement in humans is called kinesiology. We use it for the prevention and management of injuries and to enhance physical performance. As physical therapists and kinesiologists, we have a thorough knowledge and understanding of human…

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What is Patellofemoral Dysfunction?

What is Patellofemoral Dysfunction?

Have you got patellofemoral dysfunction or patellofemoral syndrome? Or unidentified pain in your kneecap? One of the more unique medical conditions that tends to afflict sportspeople and active adults is sharp pain at the front of the knee and in the surrounding kneecap (the patella). We commonly refer to this condition as a runner’s or…

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Can Sciatica Cause Knee Pain?

generalised knee pain

Time to answer an age-old question. Does Sciatica cause knee pain? There is a frequent misconception that when you feel pain in the knees, it is a result of issues with the knee joint itself of the surrounding ligaments or tendons. However, it might surprise you to learn that this may not be the case.…

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I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help!

hip joint radiography scan

Modern daily life can put strain on our hip joints and our legs. And the more overweight you are, the higher the risk of joint pain.  Weight loss is often the best course of action in dealing with joint pain, and with almost 70% of Northern Americans being overweight, it’s common to leave the explanation…

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How Physical Therapy Can Help After Your Knee Replacement

How Physical Therapy Can Help After Your Knee Replacement - Depositphotos 33269877 L e1634222221539

So, after years of pain, you’ve finally booked your knee replacement surgery. You’re looking forward to being pain-free and getting back to all the things you love to do – that your sore knee currently stops you from doing. But what happens next, after your surgery? Do you have a plan to guarantee good results…

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