10 Back-Saving Tips for Gardening This Summer

a man and woman planting flowers in a pot avoiding back pain gardening

Last summer, one of my patients, Mary, was excited to spend her afternoons in her garden. She loved planting new flowers and tending to her vegetable patch. However, after a few weeks, she started experiencing severe back pain that made it difficult for her to continue her favorite hobby. Mary was frustrated and worried she…

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3 Common Surfing Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Back

two people walking in the water with surfboards surfing

Do you love catching waves but worry about the toll surfing might take on your back? Surfing is a fun summer activity that offers an incredible workout, but it also poses some unique challenges to your back health. As a physical therapist, I often see surfers who experience back pain due to common mistakes in…

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Is Walking Good for Foot Tendonitis?

a person's legs walking on a path foot tendonitis

Is walking good for foot tendonitis? It’s a question many people ask when they’re dealing with the discomfort and pain that comes with this condition. As a physical therapist, I often see patients who are unsure about how much activity they should engage in when managing foot tendonitis. Walking, a simple and natural form of…

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6 Cool Down Exercises to Prevent Injury and Aid Recovery

woman doing cool down exercises

After a fun-filled day of summer activities, it’s tempting to just collapse and relax, but cooling down properly is crucial to keeping your body injury-free and ready for the next adventure. Whether you’ve been running on the beach, doing water sports, or just playing a game of volleyball, taking the time to perform some cool…

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Beach Running 101: 7 Tips for a Safe and Effective Workout

a man beach running

Beach running is one of the most exhilarating and beneficial workouts you can enjoy here in beautiful Orange County. Imagine the cool ocean breeze, the sound of crashing waves, and the feel of soft sand beneath your feet – it’s no wonder that beach running is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. But while…

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Why Regular Body Maintenance is Crucial for Long-Term Health

body maintenance with physical therapy

Just as regular servicing is essential for a car’s longevity, body maintenance plays a vital role in sustaining long-term health and preventing injuries. Much like neglecting a car can lead to breakdowns and costly repairs, ignoring your body’s maintenance needs can set you up for chronic conditions and can suck the enjoyment out of life.…

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3 Things That Aggravate Knee Pain After Biking and How to Ease It

knee pain after biking

Knee pain after biking. If you’re a cyclist, those words might stir up a familiar ache, a twinge that signals the end of an exhilarating ride. You’re not alone in this struggle. Picture this: you’ve just completed a scenic trail, the wind rushing past, the sun on your skin. But as you dismount your bike,…

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Runners Knee Stretches: Top 5 Stretches Every Runner Needs to Know

runners knee stretches blog cover

Runners knee stretches are more than just exercises; they’re a runner’s companion on the path to pain-free running. Imagine the exhilarating feeling of the wind against your face, your feet rhythmically hitting the ground, and that sense of freedom that comes with a good run. Now, imagine being held back by the sharp, nagging discomfort…

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Is It Safe To Exercise in Cold Weather?

stretching outdoors

Braving the chill for a workout session might seem daunting, but exercise in cold weather can be incredibly refreshing and invigorating if done right. In this blog post, we’ll go through key considerations and provide practical tips to ensure your winter workouts are not only safe but also effective. More Posts Like This From Intecore:…

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What Are Lumbar Support Braces, And Do I Need One?

Elderly men with back pain support belt or medical belt, orthopedic lumbar support.

Back pain affects millions of people in America, with chronic pain affecting up to 35% of adults. Pain not only interferes with your daily activities but can negatively impact your mental health and overall quality of life. The good news is that natural remedies are available, so you don’t have to resort to pain pills,…

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