Seven Myths of Physical Therapy:
Myth 1: I need a physician’s prescription to see a physical therapist. Fact: Seventy percent on consumers surveyed think they need a prescription to see a physical therapist but the fact is ALL 50 states allow a patient to be evaluated by a physical therapist without a prescription. In California, physical therapists can evaluate, and…
Where Does Pain Come From?
There are several causes of pain, and they can be related to the mind, the body or caused by general stress. We live in a stressful world, and the most common causes of pain are: 1) Strain associated with day to day life We live in a world that is increasingly stressful. Strain associated with…
Healthy Lifestyle
Self Help Tips For a Pain-Free Life Never push yourself past your own limit Remember, each one of us has a certain limit. Always judge your limits, instinctively on a scale of 1 to 10. For example, 1 is relaxing on a Saturday reading the newspaper. 5 is carrying groceries. 8 is carrying groceries and…