Healthy & Happy Feet

Avoid Injury, Proper Footwear Selection Running and walking are two of the most pure forms of exercise around. But choosing the wrong athletic shoe can have you end up lying on the couch nursing an injury. While most sporting good stores have knowledgeable sales people to guide you, you’ll be a few steps ahead of…

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The Summer Misadventures of “Bruiser.”

Summer is here, and the activities available to those of us in southern CA are endless! I for one, am a HUGE fan of summer and being outside and active. Whether it’s riding bikes on the boardwalk in Huntington Beach, hiking in Peter’s Canyon, or playing catch with my boys at the park, I’m a…

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Do You Have Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain Adam Skrove MPT, OCS Pain can be categorized as either chronic or acute. Chronic pain is pain which lasts longer then 3-6 months or pain extends longer than the expected time for healing. There are believed to be 116 million Americans living with chronic pain. Acute pain is very important and can be…

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Pool Physical Therapy

Fun in the sun, Its summer time! It is summer time and pools are starting to get warm enough to take a dip. Did you know that you can do physical therapy exercises in the pool? The pool is a great place to continue doing your exercises that your therapist gave to you for home…

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Got Balance?

Summer is coming, oh-so-quickly, and obviously my first thoughts are: 1) omigosh what am I going to do with my kids? 2) my electric bill is about to double. and 3) OH NOoooooooo. I have to put on a bikini and I haven’t done more than walk to my car and back in months!  I…

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Research shows we all need sleep, although some of us think we don’t need as much as others. Sleep is vital to our health and well being. When we have pain or stress our sleep can be interrupted. Individuals with shoulder pain often require sleeping sitting up, especially after surgery. There are wedges and pillows…

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National Sweet Vidalia Onion Month?

Hey! Did you know that May is National Family Wellness month? (among about 267 other National Monthly Observances, National Appreciation Days/Weeks, and National Awareness Weeks/Months). Why are we so inundated with these made up special events? Isn’t it hard enough to keep up with the major holidays that we and our parents and grandparents grew up…

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My Arthroscopic Surgeries and Recovery, by Bradon Griffith, ATC, PTA, CSCS

What to Expect After an Arthroscopic Shoulder or Knee Surgery   Having experienced two knee and one shoulder arthroscopies, I could be considered an expert in the recovery process.  Many patients ask me, what should I expect after surgery?  What is the rehabilitation process going to be like? Well, I tell them this: pain is…

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Time to see your PT?

Many of the injuries athletes sustain fall into two categories: training errors or overuse. Training errors commonly occur when athletes add mileage, intensity, or speed too quickly or do not allow for enough recovery time – either on a daily/weekly basis or within an overall periodization program. The pain that comes from training errors is…

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What Is Direct Access?

Direct Access. Have you heard this term being thrown around lately? Seen it in newspapers and magazines? Do you know what that means? Allow me to simplify this term. Anyone in California, may now walk into a physical therapist and be treated for whatever back, hip, leg, arm, or other body part injury without stopping…

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