Low Back Tips To Make Your Vacation More Enjoyable

Summer is just around the corner!  For those with chronic back issues, there is no reason you cannot enjoy traveling to some exotic destination.  Here are some tips to ensure your back stays strong and pain-free during the flights to and from! Stay on top of your workout routine: This applies to before, during, and…

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Physical Therapy First Can Reduce Healthcare Costs

A policy brief (click here to read the brief), dated February 2016, from the Health Care Cost Institute states that patients with lower back pain who received direct physical therapy care had reduced healthcare costs when compared to patients who were seen by another provider first. Also, patients who visited a physical therapist at the…

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Adolescents and Low Back Pain

New research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has shown that one of three adolescents reports some sort of low back pain. In nearly two-thirds of these patient’s, the clinical examination and imaging may not produce a clear cause for their pain. Researchers feel this pain could be a result…

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Low Back Pain in Life

Did you know, about 80% of all people can expect to suffer from some sort of disruptive low back pain during their life? The good news is if you begin, and stick to, the right type of exercise program you might be able to avoid the recurrence of low back pain. Lower back pain develops…

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Did you know…Physical Therapy can save you Money! $$

Recently there was research performed to determine the cost and effectiveness of direct access to physical therapy care versus having to been seen by a physician and then referred to physical therapy. (Heidi A. Ojha, Rachel S. Snyder and Todd E. Davenport PHYS THER. 2014; 94:14-30.) “Direct Access Physical Therapy Compared with Referred Physical Therapy”…

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Physical therapy is less risky for Spinal Stenosis

One type of lower back pain, called lumbar spinal stenosis, is sometimes treated with surgery.  Physical therapy works just as well, and comes with fewer unwanted complications.  Stenosis is a narrowing of space, and lumbar spinal stenosis that space is the spinal canal.  This puts pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves extending from…

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Celebrating Our Veterans

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War. Commemorated as Armistice Day the following year, November 11th became a legal holiday in the United States in 1938. Though the…

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October is National Physical Therapy Month!

October is not just the month of Halloween, it is also National Physical Therapy Month! Did you know that physical therapy can treat back, knee and joint pain? Did you know that conditions like obesity, osteoporosis and arthritis can also be treated by a licensed physical therapist? In fact, the treatment spectrum ranges from sports…

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Help Us Help Others!

The Holiday Season quickly approaching, all of us at Intecore Physical Therapy want to help those less fortunate Every year, Intecore Physical Therapy takes pride and helps give back to our communities and this year we ask for your help.  Intecore will once again be holding a Food Drive for the Second Harvest Food Bank…

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Low Back Pain and a MRI

A MRI is frequently used to help diagnose problems in people with low back pain. Should it be? Recently there have been a few studies that question an MRI’s utility in patients with low back pain. One study of people without low back pain found that 80% of people, by age 50, have some level…

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