Saving You Money

So I get asked this question a lot: “What’s the difference between a chiropractor and a physical therapist?” (as in, who’s the “best” one to see, to have back pain solved?) In order to really answer it, I have to ask you a question… “What do you want to happen?”? Do you want to keep…

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A Senior Moment

Today, our very own, Andrew Vertson was featured on “A Senior Moment” radio show.  This is a weekly radio show that broadcasts on Sunday’s at 11am on AM 590 (KTIE Radio). A “Senior Moment” is hosted by Bill Abbott.  During the show he delivers humor and awareness as he interviews local business and educates you…

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Low Back Tips To Make Your Vacation More Enjoyable

Summer is just around the corner!  For those with chronic back issues, there is no reason you cannot enjoy traveling to some exotic destination.  Here are some tips to ensure your back stays strong and pain-free during the flights to and from! Stay on top of your workout routine: This applies to before, during, and…

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Four Things Physical Therapists Wish Their Patients Knew…

As physical therapists we try to understand our patients’ expectations, frustrations, and challenges, and we adapt to accommodate them.  Many patients do not know the challenges physical therapists face behind the scenes.  Let’s take a quick look at 4 of those… 1) Your Insurance – Your insurance company, quite often, makes it difficult to provide…

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Nine Foods You Can Eat to Help Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s natural way of protecting itself when you are injured or sick; it helps to defend your body and to also stimulate natural healing.  Conversely, chronic inflammation can be harmful to your body and it is often linked to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, or fibromyalgia.  Little do many know, some…

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Physical Therapy First Can Reduce Healthcare Costs

A policy brief (click here to read the brief), dated February 2016, from the Health Care Cost Institute states that patients with lower back pain who received direct physical therapy care had reduced healthcare costs when compared to patients who were seen by another provider first. Also, patients who visited a physical therapist at the…

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Adolescents and Low Back Pain

New research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has shown that one of three adolescents reports some sort of low back pain. In nearly two-thirds of these patient’s, the clinical examination and imaging may not produce a clear cause for their pain. Researchers feel this pain could be a result…

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Low Back Pain in Life

Did you know, about 80% of all people can expect to suffer from some sort of disruptive low back pain during their life? The good news is if you begin, and stick to, the right type of exercise program you might be able to avoid the recurrence of low back pain. Lower back pain develops…

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Holiday Shopping Can Help Keep You Active And Mobile

Tis’ the season for Holiday Parties and of course Aunt Betty’s famous fruitcake! It’s also the season for everyone to pay a visit to the mall…so, let’s talk about something that might be able to keep you healthy and active (and burn more calories than you might think! – Which might be needed of course),…

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Did you know…Physical Therapy can save you Money! $$

Recently there was research performed to determine the cost and effectiveness of direct access to physical therapy care versus having to been seen by a physician and then referred to physical therapy. (Heidi A. Ojha, Rachel S. Snyder and Todd E. Davenport PHYS THER. 2014; 94:14-30.) “Direct Access Physical Therapy Compared with Referred Physical Therapy”…

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