How Physical Therapy Can Help Keep You On Track This Year

make new year's resolutions

It’s the start of a fresh year, and that almost always means one thing; you are looking to better yourself.  Most of us make a New Year’s Resolution – drink less alcohol, earn more money, get healthier – but this ‘new you’ only lasts a matter of weeks. Before we know it, the daily pressures…

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How Can I Relieve My Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain in men

Have you got shoulder pain that is affecting your quality of life? Are you desperate for some relief from the pain and discomfort? Experiencing shoulder pain is quite common among men and women, especially in older adults. But no two cases of shoulder pain are the same. So to treat your case effectively and relieve…

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Can Exercise Help My Covid Recovery?  

Exercise at Sunset

After any period of illness that causes inactivity, your muscles can deteriorate and become weaker than normal. It’s why exercise is so important for getting back to health.  When asking a physical therapist, you’ll always be told how imperative it is to return to previous levels of activity. They may even tell you to aim…

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What Can I Do About My Hip Pain?

Skeleton hip pain section

Have you got a sore hip, hip-related problems with your mobility, or pain in the groin or thigh region? You don’t always feel a hip problem in the hip. Sometimes the pain radiates or is transferred to other areas around the top of your leg, such as your upper thigh or around the pelvis. But…

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What’s Causing The Dull Ache In My Lower Back? 

Back Pain Therapy

How common is lower back pain? The answer: very!  Dull, throbbing pain in the lower back that never seems to go away remains one of the Western world’s most common health problems.  Nearly 65 million North American residents can report a recent episode of back pain. At any one time, some 16 million adults (8%…

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Physical Therapy Exercises For Tackling Wrist Pain

carpal tunnel syndrome

Have you got annoying wrist pain that just won’t go away? Wrist pain is increasingly common in the US and the rest of the Western world due to our continued use of (read: addiction to) computers, smartphones, and other digital devices. I mean, we’re never off them, are we? Texting, typing, scrolling, and moving a…

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How Physical Therapy Can Help After Your Knee Replacement

How Physical Therapy Can Help After Your Knee Replacement - Depositphotos 33269877 L e1634222221539

So, after years of pain, you’ve finally booked your knee replacement surgery. You’re looking forward to being pain-free and getting back to all the things you love to do – that your sore knee currently stops you from doing. But what happens next, after your surgery? Do you have a plan to guarantee good results…

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Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis Of The Spine?

Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis Of The Spine? - Depositphotos 395596894 L

Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with “spinal arthritis”? Arthritis is a chronic medical condition that generally occurs in people over 50 years of age. It is frequently linked to obesity, leads to wear and tear of the spinal discs, and can be a catalyst to trips, falls, immobility, sickness, and injury. But…

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Can Anyone Do Pilates?

Can Anyone Do Pilates? - Depositphotos 29507333 l 2015

Have you heard about Pilates? Is it safe? Can anyone do Pilates?  Are you curious to know more about it and whether it’s the right kind of exercise for you? This blog provides a brief overview of the physical therapists’ favorite type of exercise, Pilates, and its unrivaled health benefits. So, if you’re interested in…

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FAQs About Back Pain Answered

FAQs About Back Pain Answered - Depositphotos 18941777 xl 2015 scaled e1631137891499

Are you suffering from lower back pain? Experiencing the utter grind of trying to get through the day, while back pain lurks in the ever-present background? You are not alone. You are not a freak of nature. Back pain is common and can be treated successfully. According to research, nearly 80% of adults have suffered,…

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