The Importance Of Staying Hydrated In Summer Weather 

When you really feel thirsty

Enjoying the summer, but feeling lethargic, dizzy, or unwell? Chances are, you aren’t getting enough water. You could be in danger of dehydration. Here’s how you can avoid disaster. We are always told about the importance of drinking enough water. It’s almost like we are installed with a constant nagging doubt about our fluid intake. …

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Recovering From Injury: How Can I Stay Healthy & Active? 

recover from injury slowly

If you have suffered an injury and have been ordered to rest by your doctor, or simply cannot move about because of pain & discomfort, you may feel lost and unable to exercise. But don’t panic. There are things you can do. If you love physical activity and sports, or cherish an active lifestyle, there’s…

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Is My Chest Pain Serious And What Help Can I Get?

pain on side of chest

  Feeling chest pain can cause no end of panic. Your first thought will naturally turn towards your heart.  Am I having a heart attack?  Now – let’s make this crystal clear. The pain of a heart attack is different to something like a pulled muscle in your chest.  Heart attack pain causes a dull…

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Ongoing Shoulder Pain: What Is Causing It?

correcting shoulder pain

We don’t need to tell you about the importance of your shoulder. You wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren’t seeking help for your shoulder pain. After all, life can become really difficult when your shoulder isn’t functioning properly. Your range of motion becomes increasingly limited, your mental health takes a bashing, and your…

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What Is Spinal Stenosis, And How Can I Get Relief?

stretch your back to prevent stenosis

Do you or someone you love have stenosis of the spine? If you’re not 100% sure what stenosis of the spine is at this point, it is when the space between the spine begins to narrow – for one of a multitude of different reasons that we’ll come to later. This narrowing can lead to…

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Tennis Elbow: What You Need To Know

elbow pain from excessive use

Is Tennis the cause of your elbow pain? Well, if you haven’t been playing tennis, then you can probably stop reading this blog now. Huzzah! You are cured!  Well, no, actually, you aren’t.  While the condition may be called ‘Tennis Elbow’, it’s not just sporting activity with rackets and tight shorts that causes the dreaded…

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Can Sciatica Cause Knee Pain?

generalised knee pain

Time to answer an age-old question. Does Sciatica cause knee pain? There is a frequent misconception that when you feel pain in the knees, it is a result of issues with the knee joint itself of the surrounding ligaments or tendons. However, it might surprise you to learn that this may not be the case.…

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Is Cracking Your Neck Dangerous?

improper posture while reading

We know what it’s like. When your neck feels out of alignment, or strained or stiff, all you want is one thing – relief. Sweet, pain-free, silky, tangible relief. To find this neck-based paradise, it’s common to follow an urge to ‘crack your neck’.  But what exactly does that do?  And is it safe for…

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I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help!

hip joint radiography scan

Modern daily life can put strain on our hip joints and our legs. And the more overweight you are, the higher the risk of joint pain.  Weight loss is often the best course of action in dealing with joint pain, and with almost 70% of Northern Americans being overweight, it’s common to leave the explanation…

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The Morning Stretches You Can Do To Avoid Pain

morning stretches

Does your body always feel stiff and sore? Are you stretching every day? Most people aren’t. In our quest to remain healthy and fit, we think about working out at the gym, walking, jogging, etc. Unfortunately, most of us are usually guilty of focusing a little too much on how we look, instead of how…

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