How To Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Man with carpal tunnel syndrome holding his wrist in pain

Do you have numbness or “pins and needles” in your hands and fingers? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes annoying and painful numbness and tingling in the hands, fingers, and wrist. It’s a minor condition that often goes away independently (although it can take months to get fully better). But in severe cases…

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What’s The Real Cause Of Your Headache?

man with headache

Whenever you have pain in your head, we call it a “headache.” But like the numerous causes, there are also various kinds of headaches. There are two main types of headaches. The International Headache Society describes the different types of primary headaches as: Migraine/Cluster Facial pain, cranial neuralgia, etc. Cervicogenic/muscle-spasm headaches Secondary headaches also occur…

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TMJ/TMD: The Benefits Of Seeing A Physical Therapist

Skull next to TMJ lettering

Is your daily life being affected by the misery of TMJ pain and stiffness? TMJ/TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder/dysfunction) is quite a common medical condition afflicting around 10 million people across the US. As you’ll know, if you suffer from it, this painful condition restricts jaw movement. It affects your ability to chew and open your…

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Flat Feet: How Can Physical Therapy Help?

3D illustration of Foot Skeleton

Your feet provide the bedrock for your steady foundations. Here’s why flat feet are so problematic, and what you can do about it. How good would it be to walk without pain?  How amazing would it feel to regain your recreational activities?  How great would you feel not having to battle foot pain on a…

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Is Physical Therapy Safe For My Child?

Rehabilitating after injury, in a friendly atmosphere

The natural assumption for most people revolves around the concept that physical therapy is for adults. After all, children don’t really suffer from the degenerative effects of aging. It’s quite the opposite. Right? Well, you need to remember that health conditions and accidents can happen to anyone – regardless of gender or age. It’s not…

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What Is Spinal Stenosis, And How Can I Get Relief?

stretch your back to prevent stenosis

Do you or someone you love have stenosis of the spine? If you’re not 100% sure what stenosis of the spine is at this point, it is when the space between the spine begins to narrow – for one of a multitude of different reasons that we’ll come to later. This narrowing can lead to…

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Tennis Elbow: What You Need To Know

elbow pain from excessive use

Is Tennis the cause of your elbow pain? Well, if you haven’t been playing tennis, then you can probably stop reading this blog now. Huzzah! You are cured!  Well, no, actually, you aren’t.  While the condition may be called ‘Tennis Elbow’, it’s not just sporting activity with rackets and tight shorts that causes the dreaded…

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The Morning Stretches You Can Do To Avoid Pain

morning stretches

Does your body always feel stiff and sore? Are you stretching every day? Most people aren’t. In our quest to remain healthy and fit, we think about working out at the gym, walking, jogging, etc. Unfortunately, most of us are usually guilty of focusing a little too much on how we look, instead of how…

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How Physical Therapy Can Help Keep You On Track This Year

make new year's resolutions

It’s the start of a fresh year, and that almost always means one thing; you are looking to better yourself.  Most of us make a New Year’s Resolution – drink less alcohol, earn more money, get healthier – but this ‘new you’ only lasts a matter of weeks. Before we know it, the daily pressures…

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Can Exercise Help My Covid Recovery?  

Exercise at Sunset

After any period of illness that causes inactivity, your muscles can deteriorate and become weaker than normal. It’s why exercise is so important for getting back to health.  When asking a physical therapist, you’ll always be told how imperative it is to return to previous levels of activity. They may even tell you to aim…

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