Why It’s Vital To Keep Active In the Fall & Winter, And Tips To Make It Easier

Why It’s Vital To Keep Active In the Fall & Winter, And Tips To Make It Easier - Fotolia 66129153 Subscription Monthly M

Dark mornings? Check. Needing to wrap up in more layers when leaving the house? Check. I think it’s safe to say that the fall and winter season has officially arrived. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy this time of year… But what I don’t enjoy is that the cold weather makes working out seem…

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Five Common Misconceptions that keep Patients from Getting Physical Therapy FIRST

Five Common Misconceptions that keep Patients from Getting Physical Therapy FIRST - PhysicalTherapistFotolia 178810446 Subscription Monthly M

In this era of “fake news,” knowing where to get the right information can be a challenge. This fake news makes it easy to understand why patients might have the wrong idea about physical therapy.  After all, these misconceptions can quickly snowball.  With that in mind, I’ve decided to tackle a few points of confusion…

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6 Steps To Getting Back To Exercise After Injury

6 Steps To Getting Back To Exercise After Injury - Fotolia 67722846 S 1

Someone called my Orange clinic a few days ago and asked: “How long does it take to get back to exercise after an injury? I hurt my ankle a month ago and want to know how long it will take me to get back to running. It’s frustrating not knowing if it’s safe to get…

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Can Walking Be Bad For My Knees?”

Can Walking Be Bad For My Knees?” - SenrionWomanKneeePain 135625329

We had a sweet woman in our Orange clinic last week who asked us this question… “Can walking be bad for my knees?” She mentioned she’s started to experience knee pain a few years ago when walking down the stairs and thought nothing of it. She thought it was just something that would “wear off”…

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Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Season!

Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Season! - GroupFun Fotolia 113875100

With summer here, we venture outdoors to cool off in the pool or beach.  We dust off the bar-b-que, and we spend more time soaking in the vitamin D.  Here are three tips to help enjoy the sunshine and family fun safely! The middle of the day (10 am to 4pm) is when the sun…

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What You Didn’t Know About Physical Therapy

What You Didn't Know About Physical Therapy - Physical TherapyFotolia 113268738

If you are “new” to physical therapy then chances are you don’t know much about this specialized field of health care. You might think of physical therapists as just massage therapists or personal trainers. This is quite far from the truth, but don’t feel bad! There are many, people who are uneducated about what a physical therapist…

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Have you been told you need surgery?

Have you been told you need surgery? - Surgery Fotolia 157419131

“I have to get surgery for my torn meniscus. I’m going to be out of commission for a while.” “My back problems have gotten so bad that my doctor says I need surgery to repair the herniated disk.” “The MRI doesn’t look so good. Hopefully the surgery will be a quick fix.” Do any of…

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5 Great Things To Do In Orange County If You Didn’t Have Back Pain

5 Great Things To Do In Orange County If You Didn’t Have Back Pain - Five Great Things to do in Orange County If you Didnt Have Back Pain 2

Orange County is home to many picturesque places and fun things to do. From challenging mountain hiking trails, attractions to visit with the kids or grandkids to amazing beaches, there is a range of different activities.  There’s something for everyone! Living in Orange County means you can walk and hike through mountain ranges, see beautiful…

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Do you Suffer from Gluteal Amnesia?

Do you Suffer from Gluteal Amnesia? - Woman Low Back Pain Fotolia 4 12 2017

There is a new phenomenon being seen across the country…patients suffering from gluteal amnesia.  Yes, you read that right…gluteal amnesia!  If you are suffering from consistent knee, lower back, shoulder, or groin injuries, you could be suffering from gluteal amnesia.   What the heck is gluteal amnesia?  Simply, the gluteal muscles forget what they need…

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Why physical therapy, after an injury or surgery, is a must and not an option!

Why physical therapy, after an injury or surgery, is a must and not an option! - Knn Injury Fotolia 75682478 Subscription Monthly XXL

If you want your body to be as strong as it was before an injury, then every injury from a torn ACL to sprained ankle must come packaged with physical therapy.  A consistent rehab program is essential for active people who want to return stronger than before the injury. After an injury occurs, the body…

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