Tennis Elbow: What You Need To Know

elbow pain from excessive use

Is Tennis the cause of your elbow pain? Well, if you haven’t been playing tennis, then you can probably stop reading this blog now. Huzzah! You are cured!  Well, no, actually, you aren’t.  While the condition may be called ‘Tennis Elbow’, it’s not just sporting activity with rackets and tight shorts that causes the dreaded…

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Can Sciatica Cause Knee Pain?

generalised knee pain

Time to answer an age-old question. Does Sciatica cause knee pain? There is a frequent misconception that when you feel pain in the knees, it is a result of issues with the knee joint itself of the surrounding ligaments or tendons. However, it might surprise you to learn that this may not be the case.…

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Is Cracking Your Neck Dangerous?

improper posture while reading

We know what it’s like. When your neck feels out of alignment, or strained or stiff, all you want is one thing – relief. Sweet, pain-free, silky, tangible relief. To find this neck-based paradise, it’s common to follow an urge to ‘crack your neck’.  But what exactly does that do?  And is it safe for…

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I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help!

hip joint radiography scan

Modern daily life can put strain on our hip joints and our legs. And the more overweight you are, the higher the risk of joint pain.  Weight loss is often the best course of action in dealing with joint pain, and with almost 70% of Northern Americans being overweight, it’s common to leave the explanation…

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The Morning Stretches You Can Do To Avoid Pain

morning stretches

Does your body always feel stiff and sore? Are you stretching every day? Most people aren’t. In our quest to remain healthy and fit, we think about working out at the gym, walking, jogging, etc. Unfortunately, most of us are usually guilty of focusing a little too much on how we look, instead of how…

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What Can I Do About Pain Causing Sleepless Nights?

back pain causing sleepless nights

First off, if chronic pain keeps you awake at night and stops you from getting a good night’s rest. Don’t worry. There are many things you CAN do.  Chronic pain is among the leading causes of sleep disturbance in the US and elsewhere. It can affect your sleep in several ways. Some of the most…

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How Physical Therapy Can Help Keep You On Track This Year

make new year's resolutions

It’s the start of a fresh year, and that almost always means one thing; you are looking to better yourself.  Most of us make a New Year’s Resolution – drink less alcohol, earn more money, get healthier – but this ‘new you’ only lasts a matter of weeks. Before we know it, the daily pressures…

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How Can I Relieve My Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain in men

Have you got shoulder pain that is affecting your quality of life? Are you desperate for some relief from the pain and discomfort? Experiencing shoulder pain is quite common among men and women, especially in older adults. But no two cases of shoulder pain are the same. So to treat your case effectively and relieve…

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Can Exercise Help My Covid Recovery?  

Exercise at Sunset

After any period of illness that causes inactivity, your muscles can deteriorate and become weaker than normal. It’s why exercise is so important for getting back to health.  When asking a physical therapist, you’ll always be told how imperative it is to return to previous levels of activity. They may even tell you to aim…

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What Can I Do About My Hip Pain?

Skeleton hip pain section

Have you got a sore hip, hip-related problems with your mobility, or pain in the groin or thigh region? You don’t always feel a hip problem in the hip. Sometimes the pain radiates or is transferred to other areas around the top of your leg, such as your upper thigh or around the pelvis. But…

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