Can Walking Be Bad For My Knees?”

Can Walking Be Bad For My Knees?” - SenrionWomanKneeePain 135625329

We had a sweet woman in our Orange clinic last week who asked us this question… “Can walking be bad for my knees?” She mentioned she’s started to experience knee pain a few years ago when walking down the stairs and thought nothing of it. She thought it was just something that would “wear off”…

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Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Season!

Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Season! - GroupFun Fotolia 113875100

With summer here, we venture outdoors to cool off in the pool or beach.  We dust off the bar-b-que, and we spend more time soaking in the vitamin D.  Here are three tips to help enjoy the sunshine and family fun safely! The middle of the day (10 am to 4pm) is when the sun…

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What You Didn’t Know About Physical Therapy

What You Didn't Know About Physical Therapy - Physical TherapyFotolia 113268738

If you are “new” to physical therapy then chances are you don’t know much about this specialized field of health care. You might think of physical therapists as just massage therapists or personal trainers. This is quite far from the truth, but don’t feel bad! There are many, people who are uneducated about what a physical therapist…

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Do you have an Aching Back?

Do you have an Aching Back? - Woman with low back pain Fotolia 95795910

Here’s what the billion-dollar back pain industry doesn’t want you to know! Lumbar Degeneration is the intimidating term for a painful lower back and it is usually caused by normal wear and tear on the spine. If you have lumbar degeneration, you may have been told that the cause of your pain is arthritis or just aging,…

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