All About Sleep

All About Sleep - Sleeping Angel c

When it comes to health, there is one, simple, easy and FREE thing that you can do immediately to boost your health – and that’s sleep! In fact, sleep is important for ALL areas of health, and it’s the most important thing you do each day. When you peruse the internet or health magazine, all…

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There’s A Better Way To Measure Your Health Other Than The scale

There’s A Better Way To Measure Your Health Other Than The scale - Vitality Pic 2 2 17

In January, and in to February, we are overloaded with so many weight loss messages that even the most confident of us can feel under pressure to lose weight… …And those of us who may not even need to shift a few pounds, question if they should be trying to or not. But being healthy…

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Broken Resolutions???…Don’t Stress…!!!

Broken Resolutions???…Don’t Stress…!!! - 2017 egg featured

It’s that time of year again, a new year and more New Year’s resolutions. Facebook is covered with posts on New Year goals, friends and family are asking…everyone wants to know what you will stick to in 2017. Each year, you promise yourself that you’ll do this or you won’t do that. Then most of…

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Four Steps to Watch Your Weight During the Holidays

Four Steps to Watch Your Weight During the Holidays - thanksgiving

We are knee deep in to the holiday season, and for the next two weeks people will be solidly booked with work and family holiday parties as well as assorted lunches & dinners.  It can be overwhelming but you shouldn’t restrict yourself from things you enjoy.  Here are 4 ways to help keep a healthy…

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Four Tips to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Four Tips to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season - Fotolia 95752945 shopping

The “true” holiday season starts at Halloween and doesn’t end until after the New Year.  We tend to become busy with shopping, cooking, and holiday parties and often lose sight of our health. Here are 4 simple tricks designed to keep you healthy and happy this holiday season. Eat Foods and nutrients that provide energy…

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Three Simple Ways To Lose Weight… Especially During The Holidays

Three Simple Ways To Lose Weight… Especially During The Holidays - thanksgiving

The holiday season is just around the corner and we all tend to throw our healthy eating habits out the window!  Here are a few tips to help keep your eating habits on track. #1 – Eat more Protein When it comes to weight loss, the KING of all nutrients is protein.  Your body is…

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Should You Eat Like A Caveman?

The paleo diet is a low carb diet which recommends consuming only the foods available more than 10,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic era. The assertion is simple: diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart disease are illnesses “of civilization” and so, to combat the ill effects of the modern diet, we should return to a…

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To Juice or Not To Juice?

Have you tried juicing? I have. And ya know what? It ain’t that bad. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine ever eating that many vegetables and fruits at one sitting, but guzzling them down in one sludgy baby-poop green slurpee? No problem. I tried juicing for the first time last week, (for the usual reasons; summer is coming,…

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