Coping with Covid: What to do when sheltering in place

Coping with Covid: What to do when sheltering in place - Covid Coping

For most of us, our entire world is turned upside down.  Kids are not going to school, employees are not going to work, and many people do not leave their house.  As the old adage goes “this too shall pass” but currently we are living in a never imagined situation.  Here are four simple tips…

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What Do Your Shoes Have to Say About You?

What Do Your Shoes Have to Say About You? - Shoe Pic

Forget about reading palms, try reading the soles of your shoes! By analyzing the bottom of our shoes, we can gain some pretty neat information about our physical body. If you have a pair of shoes you have worn for a few months you may be able to see uneven foot patterns, meaning that the…

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Holiday Traveling with Pain

Holiday Traveling with Pain - AdobeStock 257859863

If you suffer pain, daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and daily tasks can be difficult and exhausting. Add to that the constant pain is invisible to those on the outside and can flare without warning.  This pain should prevent you from traveling during the holidays, it just requires some extra precautions and planning. Before…

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Tips for Driving with Back Pain

Tips for Driving with Back Pain - low back pain with driving

Why does doing something as simple as driving trigger back pain, even though it’s not exactly a strenuous activity? Well, driving for long periods of time exposes the body to many different forces such as acceleration, sudden stops, and vibrations from the road. Driving also requires the use of your feet to control the car’s…

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How to Improve Your Quality of Life with Back Pain When You Sleep Better

How to Improve Your Quality of Life with Back Pain When You Sleep Better - Sleeping with BackPain245910195

Lower back pain can negatively impact your quality of life. Not only does it make it harder to find comfort and accomplish tasks during the day, but it can also keep you from getting the much-needed rest you need at night, which, in turn, leaves you with less to give throughout the day. It’s a…

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Low Back Pain and Exercise

Low Back Pain and Exercise - Back Pain 170157155

Recently a patient asked me this question: “I was at the gym during sit-ups and had back pain. Am I doing something wrong or should I avoid doing them?”   Great question! I’m glad this lady asked because as people begin to get more active, we see a big rise in the number of people…

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Six Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Physical Therapy Visits

Six Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Physical Therapy Visits - AdobeStock 113268373

To some people, physical therapy is the unknown, not knowing what to expect at the first and subsequent appointments.  To others, going to physical therapy is old hat just like their hair dresser or barber. They have had multiple surgeries or injuries and the physical therapist has become part of their extended family. Here are a few…

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Time to Get in to Shape in the New Year

Getting into shape, for many, is a daunting task.  Living in a world of fast food chains, coffee stores and bakeries at every corner, doesn’t make it any easier. Here are some helpful tips to guide you in the right direction of getting healthy! Portion Control Portion size plays a huge part in your weight…

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How to Make 2019 Healthier, Stronger, and More Active!

How to Make 2019 Healthier, Stronger, and More Active! - HealthyLiving 2 M

Where is the gym membership that hasn’t seen you in months?  Are the tennis shoes collecting dust in the back of the closet?  Is your yoga mat curled in the back of your car?  Never fear…we’ve put together a list of tips to help you grow healthier, stronger and more active in 2019. Conquer the…

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Five CrossFit Misconceptions

Five CrossFit Misconceptions - Fotolia 65290136 Subscription Monthly M

You have probably also heard a lot of rumors about CrossFit and how you should, or shouldn’t take part. Here are five misconnections about CrossFit, from Miranda, a certified CrossFit coach. Not everyone can do CrossFit.This is one of the biggest misconceptions about CrossFit!  CrossFit was designed by Greg Glassman to improve one’s fitness and health.…

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