5 Great Things To Do In Orange County If You Didn’t Have Back Pain
Orange County is home to many picturesque places and fun things to do. From challenging mountain hiking trails, attractions to visit with the kids or grandkids to amazing beaches, there is a range of different activities. There’s something for everyone! Living in Orange County means you can walk and hike through mountain ranges, see beautiful…
Do you Suffer from Gluteal Amnesia?
There is a new phenomenon being seen across the country…patients suffering from gluteal amnesia. Yes, you read that right…gluteal amnesia! If you are suffering from consistent knee, lower back, shoulder, or groin injuries, you could be suffering from gluteal amnesia. What the heck is gluteal amnesia? Simply, the gluteal muscles forget what they need…
Why Physical Therapy is Essential After Injury or Surgery
If you want your body to be as strong as it was before an injury, then every injury from a torn ACL to sprained ankle must come packaged with physical therapy. A consistent rehab program is essential for active people who want to return stronger than before the injury. After an injury occurs, the body…
The Most Dangerous Fat
Everyone talks about the little bit of budge around the mid-section and how they want to “get rid” of it. More importantly is how this extra belly fat is detrimental to you. Fat is stored all throughout our bodies and is used for energy, warmth, and protection, but a certain fat opens you up to…
You Shouldn’t Ignore Those Aches and Pains
Prior injuries, lack of physical activity, and existing chronic conditions increase the risk of injury. The pain felt may range from mild ache to a sharp, severe, pain. It is common for people to assume a good night’s sleep will cure the pain. Often this pain worsens the next morning. When the muscles and joints…
There’s A Better Way To Measure Your Health Other Than The scale
In January, and in to February, we are overloaded with so many weight loss messages that even the most confident of us can feel under pressure to lose weight… …And those of us who may not even need to shift a few pounds, question if they should be trying to or not. But being healthy…
Four Steps to Watch Your Weight During the Holidays
We are knee deep in to the holiday season, and for the next two weeks people will be solidly booked with work and family holiday parties as well as assorted lunches & dinners. It can be overwhelming but you shouldn’t restrict yourself from things you enjoy. Here are 4 ways to help keep a healthy…
Four Tips to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season
The “true” holiday season starts at Halloween and doesn’t end until after the New Year. We tend to become busy with shopping, cooking, and holiday parties and often lose sight of our health. Here are 4 simple tricks designed to keep you healthy and happy this holiday season. Eat Foods and nutrients that provide energy…
Your Turkey Trot Shouldn’t Knock You Down
With Thanksgiving only one week away, many people are laced up for their annual “Turkey Trot” race. Many of those taking part will develop severe foot pain after the race, a pain called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is generally considered an overuse syndrome of the “plantar fascia” and is a common problem in the foot. …
Exercise… Your Wonder Drug For A Healthy Life…
Last week I wrote about two simple ways to become a healthier person (click here to read that blog). One way is through eating proper food and the second is increased activity. Of all things that can provide the best results to your health…physical activity is number 1. In 2015, the Academy of Medical Royal…